
Tigo donated 1000 Mobile Smartphones for Mobile Birth registration for Lindi and Mtwara Regions

A RITA official explains to dignitaries including the Minister for Information, Arts, Culture and Sports Hon Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe, the Lindi Regional Commissioner Geodfrey Zambi, Tigo MD Simon Karikari and others  how the mobile birth registration works. This was during the launch of the Mobile Birth registration exercise for Lindi and Mtwara regions that happened in Tandahimba district in which Tigo donated 1,000 smartphones to ease the exercise.

Tandahimba residents line up to register their chidren.
Tigo MD Simon Karikari greets the audience
Tigo MD Simon Karikari addresses guests at the launch of the Mobile Birth Registration exercise for Lindi and Mtwara regions in Tandahimba district
Minister for Information, Arts, Culture and Sports Hon Dr. Harrison Mwakwyembe hands over a birth certificate to a resident of Tandahimba District during the launch of the mobile birth registration exercise for Lindi and Mtwara region. Looking on is the Tigo MD Simon Karikari (c) and other officials. Tigo donated 1,000 smartphones in  support of the child registration and certification  exercise.

Children perfom for guests during the launch of mobile birth registration exercise in Tandahimba.

Lindi Regional Commissioner Geodfrey Zambi, Minister for Information, Culture and Sports Dr Harrison Mwakyembe and RITA Advisory Board Chairperson Hamisi Dihenga show off one of the phones donated by Tigo.

Minister for Information, Culture and Sports Dr Harrison Mwakyembe hands over a phone donated by Tigo to Lindi Regional Commissioner Geodfrey Zambi. Left is RITA Advisory Board Chairperson Hamisi Dihenga.