
Tanzania to start training their own pilots

By Selemani Magali, Dar es salaam.
 The government of Tanzania through its institute of national institute of transport (NIT) will start training their own pilots in 2020/21.
The plans shows that about 10 students are expected to be registered to commence the projects.
Speaking with the fullhabarionline last week, the Rector of the Institute, Prof. Zachalia Mganilwa confirmed to start offering pilots course at his premises and revealed that at the mid next year they will receive five planes as part of fulfilling its ambitious
 The plane is aimed to meet high demand of personnel in the transport sector now growing at an average of 12% per annum.
Prof Mganilwa elaborated that his institute has received 21.25 million US dollar (approximately 50 bn) as financial support from the World Bank towards the procurement of three planes for practical purpose, building hostels, and an aviation workshop.
Again, President John Magufuli has volunteered to provide two other planes to support the initiatives.
Explaining the importance of the course, Prof Mganilwa  said currently the industries is full with personnel who are very close to retire it is essential to train new generations to take-over their positions in future.
To his side, the deputy Minister for works, transport and communication Atashasta Nditiye comfirmed to support the institute by providing necessary support needed.
Nditiye said the government is happy with the initiatives taken by the institution.
He said introducing pilot’s course locally cuts the cost that the government would incur to train pilots outside the country.
He continued to say, Tanzanian government has put much efforts on improving transport industry with the construction of roads, standard gauge railway, shipbuilding and purchasing of new planes for the once ailing Air Tanzania Company Limited.
The institute has already introduced five new courses in the 2019/20 academic year.
Those courses are ordinary diploma in auto-electrical and electronic engineering, ordinary diploma in electronics and telecommunication engineering.
Others re ordinary diploma in electrical engineering, ordinary diploma in library information studies, ordinary diploma in records, archives and information studies. The move aimed to train more experts who can assist the nation
 NIT is a public higher learning institution, which was established in 1975 as a training wing of the then National Transport Corporation (NTC).
It was re–established through NIT Act, Chapter 187 revised edition 2002 as an autonomous Higher Learning Institution under the then ministry of Communications and Works. Currently, the institute is under the ministry of Works, Transport and Communications.
The institute has a legal status and a governing council with a mandate to govern and administer the institute.
The institute is fully accredited with the Nacte to provide Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) programmes at the level of certificate, diploma and degree (National Technical Awards - NTA level 4 to level 8).

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