
Participants GDSS highlights achievement obtained in 2019 seminars

By Selemani Magali

The stakeholders of Gender and Development Seminar Series (GDSS) have explained the success obtained by attending a series of seminars starting from January 2019 up to this time around.

Speaking with Fullhabarionline, among of the finest Blog in Tanzania, one of the participants and a good attendee of all time Vicent Macha, he highlighted some of the benefits achieved according to his opinions.

He said the seminars helped them to create awareness to their fellows on issues of gender equality and also participate fully to bring change to their society where they come from.

Again, he said, through those seminars, the concept of good governance and accountability were well understood.

“These seminars have brought great benefits to us and society at large, they have to be of sustainable, for example some of agenda were taken by the authority from GDSS seminars, good example is that of Mtue mama ndoo kichwani that was typically from these seminars” Vicent Macha, reporter and member of GDSS said.

Likewise, Doto Mwalim said GDSS seminars have gained popularity and many people attracted, from the staff at government ministries and magistrate courts to journalists and even village men and women who travel great distances to attend.

He said the seminars address concerns of ordinary people and provide solutions to some of the dilemmas facing the country today

He elaborated, GDSS attempts to reach citizens of all ages and from all walks of life. One aim of the GDSS is to focus on current events but with social justice perspective, the topics of the seminars are often very timely.

He added that by participating in the seminar, people have increased knowledge and self-confidence on matters to do with gender equality, accountability, rights and citizenship.

The good news is that the number of men attending the seminars is also on increase.

GDSS seminars are conducted by the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) every Wednesday. The seminars are held from 3:00pm to 5:00pm at TGNP offices, Mabibo Gender Resource Center, Dar es Salaam. The seminars are free and open to all like-minded individuals, organizations, and the general public

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