
Korea, Tanzanian hold talks on Geospatial information, aims at mutual growth in the spatial information field

By Selemani Magal@fullhabarionline
The Korean government and his counterparts Tanzania government has met and hold talks on geospatial information technology, the aim is to meet significant needs of Tanzanian government for advanced spatial information technologies and expand bilateral cooperation for mutual growth in the spatial information field.

 Korea has pledged to promote close cooperation and expands constructive joint projects to enable a sustainable roadmap for modernizing Tanzania�s land administration and management.
Speaking in the two-day workshop, LX CEO Choi-hak, the organizers of this year�s roadshow, said his entity has the modern and latest technology that can be helpful to the management of land information in Tanzania.
He said, since 2018, LX has conducted a consulting program for improving the GIS-based local tax system and strengthening spatial information in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
�This year roadshow aims to meet the significant needs of the Tanzanian governments for advanced spatial information,� he said
To her side, the permanent secretary of Lands, Housing, and Human Settlements Developments, Dorothy Mwanyika has expressed her hope over the talks, saying the roadshow will help to promote bilateral exchanges in the spatial information sector and leads to co-prosperity through leveraging spatial information.
Again, she pledged that the Tanzanian government will support Korean spatial information companies which boast world-class technological prowess, in entering the Tanzanian markets
The roadshow consisted of four major events, which were technology seminar- introduce UAV-based spatial information, state-of-the-art spatial information systems, and latest land registration technologies, plus modals for marrying spatial information technology with other sectors.
On exhibition, the participants get an opportunity to see the latest spatial technologies and the spatial information projects that have been showcased by Korean businesses, people seen the recent technological trends and land information technologies, surveying policies and equipment. Example cases of using the spatial information technologies and system were seen.
A total of 12 companies from Korean attended and a total of 200 people were participated on the workshop, including officials from Tanzania government agencies such as Director of survey Mr Hamdouny Mansour, students from University of Dar es Salaam, Ardhi University and related stakeholders
From the Korean side, the Ministry of  Land, Infrastructure and transport, the government agencies that develop spatial information policies and offers relevant support, and its affiliate corporation LX participated.

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